Link to Link: Driving Resource Efficiency across Supply Chains
Cutting costs and saving resources is an issue now relevant to every link in the supply chain reports the All-Party Parliamentary Sustainable Resource Group
- Link to Link: Driving Resource Efficiency across Supply Chains covers how each stage of the supply chain can become more resource-efficient and cut waste.
- The All-Party Parliamentary Sustainable Resource Group has brought together industry experts and 10 case studies to examine how this can be done.
- The APSRG is making 12 recommendations, most notably calling for the government to conduct a call for evidence on the state of play of resource efficiency in UK companies to determine barrier preventing them from being resource efficient.
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The report is a collection of expert essays that cover each stage of the supply chain, sponsored by WRc, GJF Fabrications and SUEZ. It explores how resources can be better used to make supply chains more efficient and how waste can be cut along the supply chain.
The list of contributors include influential experts from SUEZ, GJF Fabrications, the University of Northampton, WRc, Feed-back, Northampton Business School, WRAP, the Knowledge Transfer Network, Eunomia Research & Consulting, Royal Holloway University of London and Greenclick.
Co-chairs Barry Sheerman MP and Peter Aldous MP commented: “The UK needs to move towards a system where the entire supply chain of products moves towards the circular model. The old model of make, use, dispose cannot continue, and this is true of all sectors in the UK, not just the environmental services and waste industries.”
This is not an official publication of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either Houses or its committees. All-Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups of Members of both Houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in this report are those of the group.
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