Call for Evidence: Net Zero Delivery Inquiry

Carbon Connect is gathering evidence for its inquiry into a Net Zero Delivery Architecture. 

In 2019, Carbon Connect recommended a central delivery body be set up to manage the transition to low-carbon heating. This was published in the third report of the Future Gas Series, Uncomfortable Home Truths, as well as the 2020 impact report, Pipeline to 2050

The case for a central delivery architecture has been successfully and comprehensively made by a number of individuals and organisations over the course of recent years. What many proposals have in common is the desire to address current gaps in the UK’s governance framework to ensure a successful and effective transition to net zero.

To successfully deliver net zero by 2050, wide-scale action is required in order to decarbonise heat, energy and transport throughout society and the economy. Coordination across different layers of government, ministerial departments, political parties and parliamentary cycles will be paramount to achieve the UK's climate ambitions. This inquiry assesses the requirements for a governance framework to deliver net zero, by considering four central themes:

  • Governance and place
  • Skills and standards 
  • Public engagement 
  • New and existing business models

The inquiry is co-chaired by Darren Jones MP, Wera Hobhouse MP and Alexander Stafford MP and is being sponsored by the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers, the Energy and Utilities Alliance, Baxi, Worcester Bosch and E.ON. 

We invite submissions from organisations and individuals who wish to provide evidence into any of these areas, by Wednesday 30 June 2021. Please consult the submission document for more information and contact rein.deloor [at] (Rein de Loor) if you have any questions.