Manufacturing Commission 2022: Evidence Session 1

10:00 - 12:00

Following on from the success of our last inquiry, this year the Commission will be chaired by Lord Bilimoria and will focus on the future manufacturing workforce.

Inquiry Vision: The profile and skills that the future manufacturing workforce will need is undergoing radical change at the moment. Rapid policy making is needed to ensure businesses and education providers can adapt to demand. How can policy makers and industry work together to ensure that the future manufacturing workforce is fit for purpose?

The session will take place online, via zoom, on the 21st March 2022 from 10:00 – 12:00.  It will be chaired by Lord Bilimoria. This evidence session will the first of four as part of a much wider research programme, where industry, academia, education and civil society sectors will be consulted.


If you would like to attend, please contact Floriane Fidegnon floriane.fidegnon [at]