Innovative Technologies for Recycling Roundtable
While reuse, refill and repair have been rightly highlighted as key to moving materials up the waste hierarchy, there remain cases where these solutions cannot divert materials from landfill. In these cases, new recycling technologies have a critical role to play.
This roundtable is in partnership with Imperial College London's Transition to Zero Pollution Initiative, and will be chaired by Alex Sobel MP, Shadow Minister for Nature Recovery and the Domestic Environment. It will explore the questions raised by new technologies, including opportunities, challenges and obstacles, and their role in reaching a circular economy and climate neutrality.
This event will explore:
- potential policy levers required to enable and encourage innovative recycling technologies in the UK;
- new technologies for recycling, including chemical and biological recycling;
- the challenges posed by new materials for recycling, such as PPE; and
- how material can be escalated up waste hierarchy, and the carbon implications of recycling.
For more information about this event, please contact verity.winn [at] (Verity Winn).
Professor Jason Hallett – Imperial College London
Tim Duret – Veolia
Emma Beal – West London Waste Authority
Graham Gould – Thermal Recycling
The summary of the session is available here.