Impact event: Arriving At Thriving: Learning from the experiences of disabled students in Higher Education
Following on from the 2020 report “Arriving At Thriving: Learning from disabled students to ensure access for all”, Policy Connect and the Higher Education Commission are hosting this parliamentary impact event.
The event will follow-up with the recommendations made in the report, highlight the implementation of recommendations in academic institutions, make an assessment of overall policy and sector progress against the report’s recommendations, and develop further policy and sector recommendations to address areas where progress is still lacking.
We will hear from:
- Professor Philip Lord Norton of Louth
- The Rt Hon. the Lord Blunkett
- Megan Hector, Arriving At Thriving report author
- Professor Kathryn Mitchell CBE DL, Vice-Chancellor, University of Derby
- Kellie Mote, Subject specialist: strategy (accessibility), Jisc
- Professor Neil Fowler, Associate Provost - Learning and Teaching, University of Derby & Professor Deborah Robinson, Professor of Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion, University of Derby
If you are interested in attending, please contact communications [at]
This event has been organised by the Derby Impact Collaboration and Engagement (DICE) Network, kindly supported by the University of Derby Policy QR Fund.