Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2021

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Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week will run from 22 - 28 November 2021

Thanks to all who have supported this campaign over the years - we make the biggest impact when we unite together! Full Asset Kit now available for download from United Against CO.

The Launch Event will take place on Monday 22 November at 4pm, kindly chaired by Barry Sheerman MP, who says:

"As the Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group, I am urging everyone to understand the dangers posed by carbon monoxide. Each year in November, Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week is held to raise awareness of what you can do to stay safe and protect your family. Number one is get your appliances serviced and invest in a carbon monoxide alarm. But if that's not affordable for you, there are still simple things you can do to stay safe. Learn the signs that carbon monoxide could be around, and save the Gas Emergency Service number on to your phone today - it could save a life!"

If you wish to attend the launch event for Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week, or to request more information, please email laura.fatah [at]

Key Messages for #COAW21

  1. Carbon monoxide is not only a killer: Sub-lethal poisoning is associated with chronic health conditions
  2. Symptoms of exposure + COMA: Raising awareness to aid identification of potential exposures
  3. Staying safe: Behaviours that increase & reduce CO risks, Gas Emergency Service number 0800 111 999

Throughout the week